Current Skincare Loves: Winter to Early Spring

Yet again I forgot to post for months, but it feels like I just posted yesterday. I am pretty sure "time" doesn't exist anymore. Not that you will be able to tell but this is also the first ever post written on my brand new laptop. I was in desperate need of an update so hopefully this will make it more appealing to write more frequently. I upgraded to a new MacBook Air after having the 2012 MacBook Pro for the past 7 years. The biggest difference is how little this one is, making it way more ideal for university, along with a smoother keyboard and better sound quality. That is enough of me talking about my technology, let's get onto the beauty related posts, with my skincare favourites from the winter passed and for the upcoming spring. 

Holi Frog Sunapee Sacred-C Brightening Powder Wash
I had heard great things about Holi Frog as a brand, and was looking at cleansers when this one caught my eye. I was intrigued. I had never used a powder face wash before and was worried about the potential ease of use. This worry was for nought as this is quite easy to use, and am experience I all around enjoy. I find it cleans my skin enough that it feels clean, but not that dreaded too much clean feeling that you can get from some cleansers (well, dreaded for me). I also do feel like it might subtly brighten my skin when used in conjunction with other members of my skincare routine. I also love that it is a powder due to the fact I do not have to worry about the vitamin C quickly going bad like I do with my serums. This is a great cleanser, and an enjoyable addition to my skincare routine.

Holi Frog Shasta AHA Refining Acid Wash 
The second Holi Frog cleanser I have been trialling, and the one I have wanted since the first release of Holi Frog. If you are new, or have just missed my previous skincare posts, then you should know that I adore an AHA based cleanser with the Kate Somerville ExfoliKate being my previous favourite. I say previous because Shasta has now overtaken it for first place. They are similar in many ways, but I find the Shasta slightly gentler which is a big thing for me as my skin seems to be getting increasingly sensitive. 

Youth to the People Adaptogen Deep Moisture Cream
I mean, I have been going on about this since Winter 2019 but I still just adore it so here we go again. It's just perfect for me; not too heavy but not too light and doesn't irritate my skin in anyway. I am now on my second full size jar, so the single jar also lasts most of a year. This used to be just a winter essential for me, but has recently became an all year round staple. 

Glow Recipe Banana Souffle Moisture Cream
The moisturiser that has been getting very close to tying with the Adaptogen Deep Moisture Cream for my favourite moisturiser. This formula is somewhere between a gel and a cream texture, making it perfect for those slightly more humid or warm days which occur even in winter when you live in Queensland. The one downside to this is that it has fragrance which often can irritate my skin, but so far I have had no irritation with this. 

First Aid Beauty Eye Duty Niacinamide Brightening Cream 
One big positive for this is that I actually use this. If you know me, I rarely use dedicated eye creams with my skincare routine mainly including covering my eyelids in my normal moisturiser. I decided to pick this up on a whim as I was interested in the brightening aspect. While I don't know about long term brightening or effects (not sure if anything can help these genetically dark eye bags), I can say that the pearlised aspect of this allows it to brighten your eye area in a natural way that doesn't require you cover it in makeup. My main issues with eye creams in general is that they are either too light or I get milia, but this one is perfect and my eyes are neither dry or have milia. I am excited to continue to use this. 

Glow Recipe Watermelon Glow Mist
Number 1 reason why this is the best mist: it is probably the finest mist I have ever used. Some other reasons that I love this: doesn't feel sticky on the skin, actually provides moisture and hydration, and I really enjoy the watermelon scent personally. Mists definitely aren't a necessity but this is one I do find to have an affect when I layer it in with my other skincare and sometimes it is just so refreshing after a long day to spray yourself with a mist. 

Summer Fridays Lip Butter Balm
This another product category where I previously haven't had the best of luck. I either find lip balms do nothing for my lips or I will break out along my lip line, which is not fun. This moisturises my lips so well, even if my lips are super dry when I wear this overnight I find my lips feel nice, plump and moisturised. I also love the vanilla scent. I have heard of this leaking for other people, but I have not had that issue due to it being solid in the cooler weather, I guess we will see when it heats up again. 

So those are my skincare favourites, I have been loving trying new skin care and in lockdown is the best time because no one sees you on the bad days. I have also been trying new things with my hair, so my hair care routine will most likely be coming up next. How has this year been going for you? I know it has been a difficult year for many but has there been any unexpected positives, even if it is just something as small as trying new skin care. Until the next post (hopefully not too long).


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