Netflix & Chill: What I've Been Watching

One thing I love to do, when I have the time, is have a binge-watching session on Netflix. Movies, TV Shows, Documentaries; you name it, I'll watch it. I love discovering new things to watch, as I'm sure many of you do to, so I decided to write a post on what I've been recently watching.

The Blacklist

A long time favourite of mine, I am currently on season 4 which is the current season airing (yes I have to wait for episodes). I'm not really sure what to write, as obviously you can look up the show and they probably explain the premise better than I would anyway. What I love about this show is it keeps you on the edge of your seat, needing the next episode to know what happens. You will notice that is a theme among shows I like, as I just seem to be drawn towards more intense shows.

How To Get Away With Murder

I found this show about a month ago and watched all 3 seasons in around a week, as I was just hooked from the first episode. Right now I'm impatiently waiting for season 4.

Me Before You

This movie will take you on an emotional roller coaster; you will laugh, and you will cry but it is just amazing. It's a movie that you will think about for days. I am yet to read the book, but that is next on my list.


After watching season 1 in only a few days, I convinced my entire family to watch it. All of us became immediately enthralled by the show and a purchase of season 2 on iTunes was a necessity (as it was not yet on Netflix at the time). It is another show that definitely makes you feel for the characters, I can find myself laughing and crying within the same episode (I probably look slightly crazy). Currently I am waiting for the release of season 3, although I have already read ahead (in the book series) as I am just so very impatient.

I hope you enjoy this slightly different post about what I've been loving on Netflix.


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